Sound Designer Logo
Since Eric Moen worked to provide sound samples for Phantastic Whimsies, my senior capstone project, I designed a logo that he could use to build his professional brand. It was a fun way to get graphic design experience outside of school projects. For reference to his work please visit ericlmoen.com!
Divvy App Design
Divvy began its journey by first identifying the consumer and who they really are. By understanding the wants and needs of college students, we began to get a feel of who our competitors were. By taking in this information, a survey was put out to our core demographic of college-aged students to better understand what it truly was that they wanted. With the survey data, a flowchart and wireframes were further developed to implement usability within the app.
With a solid idea of what Divvy is and what it stands for, designing the logo and layout concepts was the next step within the process. After much deliberation, the app also became solely a text- book renting service. With this understanding it became easier to design wireframes and further build the app, looking this time from the perspective of potential users.
I decided to work on a booklet dedicated to main hub of Third Street in McMinnville, OR, known for its food, entertainment, and locally owned shops! In doing so I explored the town a bit more and tried to get a feel of this place. Another part of the process was directing a small promo-video for the booklet. Below are sample pages.
Third Street McMinnville